
Currently, this blog will be used for my thoughts, pictures, and excerpts from letters I send home from Turkmenistan. I will be in Turkmenistan from October 1, 2008 until December of 2010. You can send me letters and packages using the address to the right.
Many thanks to my family for posting updates to this blog as I will most likely have limited internet access over the next few years.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

One of those days :)

Today was one of those days, you know when everything seems perfect and you notice all of the good things of life. The weather outside was a balmy 50 and I didn't really need a coat - even though I had one with in case it got cold. The stars this evening were amazing even though I live in the middle of a huge city. Everyone I came across today was smiling, and I am happy. Happy in the way that pretty much no matter what happens the happiness doesn't go away. I hope you have one of those days soon!

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