Now that I have returned from New Orleans it seems surreal to be returning to life as usual. It feels as though I am repeating the entire withdrawl that happened when I returned from Kenya. When that happened I managed to redefine who I was as a person and who I hoped to be. This time the trip was much shorter and while the devestation was much greater many people who had their homes devestated will be able to rebuild. However I feel for the ones that cannot. Those in the lower and upper 9th ward and families who are too impovershed to move back even though this is their home and has been for generations. It is difficult to put my feelings and thoughts into words. I want to thank all of you who were praying for us and keeping us in your thoughts. We did a lot for several families, but there is still much more to be done and I hope the city and the people of New Orleans will not escape your thoughts though they have escaped the news. I will leave you with a prayer that was posted in the house that we stayed at.
O God,
Today I will be with those who are suffering and frightened and possibly alone. Some will have no one to talk to today, Lord, but me.
May my arms be strong to give someone a hug, my hands comforting and warm to hold anothers hand and through my eyes and smile may someone know I care.
But most of all, Lord, give my heart the compassion and understanding that will calm anothers fears, dry a tear, and give strength to face what lies ahead.
I am only one person, Lord, but you and I both know that one person can and will make a difference in another's life.
And if I can do that for someone today, when my head lies upon my pillow tonight and my eyes close I will be at peace.
Amen and Amen
15 years ago
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