
Currently, this blog will be used for my thoughts, pictures, and excerpts from letters I send home from Turkmenistan. I will be in Turkmenistan from October 1, 2008 until December of 2010. You can send me letters and packages using the address to the right.
Many thanks to my family for posting updates to this blog as I will most likely have limited internet access over the next few years.

Thursday, March 16, 2006

Katrina talk at Hancock Elementary

I just got back from talking with a 5th grade classroom about our trip to New Orleans. Their interests were rather different than I remember mine being at that age. We first asked what they knew about New Orleans and the hurricane etc. and received varying levels of information ranging from how Rita followed Katrina in the same area and did more damage to how many dead animals there were. We talked with them about what we'd be doing what precautions we would be taking for our safety and health, what the conditions were like as far as we knew, and took some questions then passed out those bracelets (you know the look alike livestrong bracelets) that say Hurricane Katrina Relief, Recover, Rebuild. They're pretty nifty. We will go back the week we get back to talk with them again about what we did and to share some pictures. You have to love elementary students - they're our future and there is so much I personally have to share with the next generation that I am excited about sharing with them. I am down to less than 24 hours before our plane leaves tomorrow and I am terribly excited! Just a few more things left to do; I have to finish my neuro take home exam, wash clothes and pack, and then I'll be all set to go! Wish me luck!

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