I've been doing all of the reading that I possibly can about what to expect when I finally arrive in Turkmenistan.
Thoughts on preperations:
My parents and sister have planned a send-off celebration for me that will take place one week before I leave. I am very excited to have many out of town relatives and friends coming to see me! So, feel free to join me on September 20th around 6:30pm in Waukesha - let me know if you need directions!
I am still filled with terror about the packing process and my latest debate is to purchase a cheap computer or not to purchase a cheap computer and will my parent's camera be good enough or should I purchase a new camera?
I switch hourly between "There is so much to do I don't know how I'll get it all done in 19 days" and "I'm so bored I wish I could leave right now!"
Other thoughts:
I would urge you to check out the blogs I've posted on the blog suggestion to the right. One is from a PCV (Peace Corps Volunteer) in Turkmenistan who has been there for the past year and the other is from someone who will be joining me in our group of volunteers leaving on the 27th of September. Funny story....a friend of mine from High School (Tina) went to Yale for her undergraduate degree and lived with a girl named Jessie her freshman year. Jessie is the volunteer who is also going to Turkmenistan. We've been exchanging emails for the past few weeks and it is really exciting to have the opportunity to talk with someone in my shoes!
That's all for now!
15 years ago
Hi! My name is Courtney and I'm also going to Turkmenistan. I can't believe we leave in 19 days! Feel free to email me. Have you talked to anyone else going?
Hey, my name is Collin, I'm so excited about leaving for PC. The application process seemed to take forever, but now it seems like it flew by! email me: collinthib@hotmail.com
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