It is a whirlwind last few days!
Writing thank you notes, updating my blog, deciding which grammar book to bring, spending every waking moment with friends and family, finishing all the reading I want to before I leave, and trying not to think about how slowly (or quickly) the time seems to be drifting by. Tonight on my menu of favorite meals: Rama's Delight (Homemade Thai)!
A few more quotes from Rukhnama (see below)
"Sometimes, I wonder whether I feel too proud of my nation, or whether my eyes are dazzled by the light of the word "Turkmen," or whether I am enchanted by the magic of the word "Turkmen." However, so far human beings have never been damaged by affection. Nobody has ever been injured by his or her love of the nation. Be afraid of those who do not love their nation. If everybody likes their own nation, then the nations will like each other. Those who do not like their own nations cannot like other nations. The word "Turkmen," lies in my bosom like a beloved baby warmed by the heat of my heart." (145)
"The Turkmen sees other nations as his own brothers, his own friends. Racism cannot find a place among Turkmens. Turkmens respect the languages, the religions and the traditions of other nations. The rights and responsibilities of all citizens living in Turkmenistan are equal before the law of the Turkmen state" (148).
"Thus, when I was a small child, I learnt who the Turkmen is and what the homeland is. I have consoled myself with the epigram, which is firstly recorded in my heart and then in my diary, 'The one who bears the sufferings of the world earlier can understand the realities of the world earlier.' In the course of time, I have realized that those injuries which were done to my heart have been removed." (150 - 1)
"Our state structure is harmonious with our national characteristics, the traditions of the Turkmen people, and the 'Universal Declaration of human Rights' of the United Nations. In all of our policies we consider the national interests of Turkmenistan on the one hand and the stability of the region and the strengthening of international security on the other. We always see that all of these are indivisible realities" (154)
"We have huge resources. We want to draw maximum benefit and maximum utility from them. Thus, we are ready for relations which rest upon reciprocity, equality and cooperation. Destiny has bestowed on Turkmenistan the opportunity to be at the centre of international relations between Europe and Asia. Our underground and surface resources are evidence of the possibility of a golden life for the Turkmens in the golden century." (154 - 5)
"In the past our ancestors presented themselves to the world by the strength of their swords; now, we should present ourselves with our rationality and with our immense spiritual values. Turkmenistan is known for its unique Akhalteke horses, for its carpets that are examples of the wonders of the world's art, and for its limitless wonders of nature. Today, in its peaceful policies, the Turkmen nation displays endeavours worthy of recognition by the world. As our great thinker Maktumkuli Pyragy once said, 'Look at your future, do not forget your past, utter polite speech, restrain your anger. If you are able to speak, please say pleasant things; the public has suffered much from bad things.' I can see happy days in the future. I believe that nothing is able to damage our happiness today and in the future and I am always proud of our statue of impartiality." (155)
"Our beautiful land will regain the beauty and fertility that was hers in the era of our ancestors through our 'Rainbow' project, by which the natural gas is delivered to the public for no charge." (175) I've never heard of this project before, but it sounds interesting.
15 years ago
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