
Currently, this blog will be used for my thoughts, pictures, and excerpts from letters I send home from Turkmenistan. I will be in Turkmenistan from October 1, 2008 until December of 2010. You can send me letters and packages using the address to the right.
Many thanks to my family for posting updates to this blog as I will most likely have limited internet access over the next few years.

Sunday, November 07, 2010

Cotton Picking Year #2

It is that time of year again…cotton picking season. This year I opted to go with my co-workers. All doctors are required to put in a certain number of days picking cotton, actually all government workers are required to pick cotton.
Therefore this morning I got to work at 8am, waited until 8:30 when my co-workers were ready to go. Because villages are relatively small there are always cotton fields nearby. Because all of the doctors had to go to a specific field in order to get credit for going it took us a while to locate it as it was in a neighboring village.
10am arrived at the cotton field and dressed for work: long sleeve shirt over a long dress, socks, a head scarf and (for me) sunscreen. We picked cotton for the next hour and twenty minutes after which I was covered in a sheen of sweat only to find I had picked a grand total of 6 kg of cotton…
11:30 lunch time: Everyone grabbed their belongings and pulled out whatever odds and ends they brought to make a lunch. Lots of bread, some honey, fried potatoes, some bread fried with meat, and a lot of candy. Whoever owned the field was kind enough to provide lunch for everyone – there was a huge pot of boiling soup. Lots of broth, a little bit of everything else. And of course, tons of hot green tea.
12:30: after being goaded into drinking far too much tea to be good we waddled back into the field for another go around. This time we are out for nearly 2 hours. I spent the time enjoying some podcasts from the states and getting tons of scrapes and scratches all up and down my arms.
2:30: To my delight I find I’ve picked 9 kg over the past two hours! That puts my total up to 15. This year they are paying at the rate of 700 old manat/1.40 new manat (~$.50) per kilo. That means at the end of the day I’ve worked hard for four hours and earned enough to buy a snickers bar. Now, as a Peace Corps Volunteer I’m not allowed to accept money for anything I do and therefore couldn’t accept the money, but I think they’re going to buy me a snickers bar with my earnings anyway.
They didn’t end up buying me a snickers bar, instead I got two pairs of socks, not the super cool homemade socks that are awesome, but two pairs of normal everyday socks.

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