I have been warned repetitively about the horror of the summer heat. Some of the common expressions I’ve heard regarding the heat include: “insufferable”, “more than halfway to boiling, literally”, “there are flies landing on my butthole”, “debilitating” as well as a few phrases I won’t print here.
This leaves me wondering – is it really going to be that hot? My Encyclopedia Britanica on my computer generously given by a fellow volunteer (thanks Elliot!) says that in the summer the temperature rarely falls below 35 C (95F) and in the southeast Kara Kum (pretty much exactly where I am located) can be 50 C (122 F) IN THE SHADE! The average yearly temperature is 14 – 16 C (57 – 61 F).
I figure many of you may also be wondering what the temperature really is here in the desert. Therefore I have decided to start a small series of blog posts. I plan to spend about two weeks each season taking several daily readings on the thermometer that is attached to the outside of our house and report my findings here to you. The last two weeks were a great time to start because I didn’t have all that much to do considering I am leaving on vacation as I am posting this entry.
Please note: I am not a meteorologist, not do I aspire to be one, and our thermometer is attached to the brick exterior of our house and is in perpetual shade. So, this is what it was really like the past two weeks as far as the weather is concerned. Enjoy!
Date Temp F Time
Tuesday May 5, 2009
66.2 8:30 AM
82.4 2:00 PM
83.3 5:00 PM
Wednesdsay May 6, 2009
85.2 9:30 AM
86 2:00 PM
Thursday May 7, 2009
71.6 8:00 AM
77 12:00 PM
82.4 2:00 PM
Friday May 8, 2009
69.8 7:45 AM
84.2 3:00 PM
Saturday May 9, 2009
66.2 8:00 AM
77 12:00 PM
Sunday May 10, 2009
66.2 8:00 AM
77 12:00 PM
71.6 9:30 PM
Monday May 11, 2009
71.6 9:00 AM
77 5:00 PM
Tuesday May 12, 2009
71.6 8:00 AM
82.4 4:15 PM
Wednesday May 13, 2009
73.4 8:00 AM
89.6 3:00 PM
78.8 7:45 PM
Thursday May 14, 2009
71.6 8:30 AM
87.8 5:00 PM
Friday May 15, 2009
69.8 7:45 AM
71.6 9:15 AM
77 11:45 AM
87.8 3:00 PM
Saturday May 16, 2009
69.8 7:30 AM
95 3:00 PM
15 years ago