
Currently, this blog will be used for my thoughts, pictures, and excerpts from letters I send home from Turkmenistan. I will be in Turkmenistan from October 1, 2008 until December of 2010. You can send me letters and packages using the address to the right.
Many thanks to my family for posting updates to this blog as I will most likely have limited internet access over the next few years.

Monday, February 27, 2006

30 Hour Famine!

Well this past weekend was the second annual 30 Hour Famine at Hamline. I think it went over pretty well. Friday evening there was a simulation of what it would be like to be a child in Africa and then we cut out a whole bunch of paper people to represent how many kids die in a day due to hunger and preventable diseases (29,000 a day). Next was the 1st annual 10th Hour Concert - Feast your Ears. It went over quite well. We had a lot of really great acts and the attendance was decent as well. Saturday morning the group split into 4 and went seperate ways. I went to go work on a house for Habitat for Humanity. It was really great! I'd like to share a moment that I had while at working for Habitat. It was about 1pm and I had gotten less than 2 hours of sleep the night before. I had been working in a garage where the only heat was a massive propane torch which filled the room with a lot of fumes. We were sanding, sealing, and polyurathaning trim, doors, molding, etc that was supposed to go in a few of the houses. The group of houses that we were working on was a block of 6 houses across the street from a block of 4 houses. So, I am extreemly tired and the fumes are making me sick and nautious and I haven't eaten for over a day. I realized there are people who live like this every single day of the year. And unlike us, they don't know where or when their next meal is coming. Every year I do the Famine I learn new things. This year that was my realization and I think the number of 29,000 was made more real to me through some of the things that we did and my reflection upon them. I will post a total amount of money raised as soon as I get that number. For now - I'm off to class to learn about the brain!

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