15 years ago
My life has been filled with adventure, surprise, and revelations ranging from trips to post-Katrina New Orleans and post-election violence in Kenya, to Peace Corps in Turkmenistan and everything in between. You can find my thoughts about the world, the many adventures I've been on, and everyday life here.
Hi Kelsey, I met your parents at a Peace Corps luncheon today and was glad to get to know someone else that has a daughter in Turkmenistan. My daughter, Summer Leeper, also is in your group of volunteers. I don't know if you have gotten to know each other or if you are anywhere in the same region of Turkmenistan but if you see her please tell her hello for me. I am looking forward to hearing about her permanent assignment. Sounds like you are going to an intersting place.
Debi Leeper
HI Kelsey,
I received your e-mail with pictures of the house forwarded to us. I read part of your blog before being interupted by the kids. We are doing a knitting group today for 4-H. They already had a sewing leader or I would have done that. Keep up the good work. I would like to hear more about what you have actually done there and I am trying to pass the info along to the kids.
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