
Currently, this blog will be used for my thoughts, pictures, and excerpts from letters I send home from Turkmenistan. I will be in Turkmenistan from October 1, 2008 until December of 2010. You can send me letters and packages using the address to the right.
Many thanks to my family for posting updates to this blog as I will most likely have limited internet access over the next few years.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Next Instalment of Kenyan Politics

So, after Kibaki was illigally sworn into the presidency Odinga and his supporters were upset due to the suspected vote tampering and the illegal ceremony. Therefore Odinga called for rallies and demonstrations all around the country which were abruptly outlawed by Kibaki. Kibaki also is censoring all press. The Kenyan constitution allows Kenyans the right to peaceful assembly and free press as long as it isn't inciting violence.
There have been several attempts made to intervene and get these two people together to discuss options and it was looking like there was going to be a peace talk between Odinga and Kibaki and the African Union Chairman Ghanian President John Kufuor. These initial talks failed. More talks were scheduled but once again nothing seems to be working. One of the reasons these two men won't come together is that Kibaki appointed nearly all of his cabinet before the peace talks happened. One of the reasons for the talks was to get a government that had representatives from both PNU and ODM parties. Kibaki announced around 10 of the cabinet positions, the most important and powerful 10, and only 2 of those members were ODM party members. The vice president is ODM-Kenya (not at all linked to ODM - they are two completely different parties). Today is supposed to be the last day of the rallies Odinga called for and once again more people died. I read today in the Daily Nation (one of the Kenyan newspapers) six more people died, I believe this brings the death toll up to nearly 400 people since the 27th of December.


This is a link to a video that aired on Kenyan tv on Wednesday, which was the first day (I believe) of the rallies and demonstrations called for by ODM and Odinga. I was in this area of Kenya on the 13th - three days before this video was taken. Kibera is partly inside partly a suburb of Nairobi and it is supposedly the second largest slum area in Africa with over 1 million residents in an area around 2.5 square kilometers (around 630 acres). That means the population density is around 300,000 people per square kilometer. If you've ever seen the movie The Constant Gardener Kibera is shown several times during the movie.

I'll post more in a day or two.

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