So the newest endeavor I've fallen in love with is the campus kitchen. Check out the link below, but for now I'll explain my fascination. On a monthly basis for the past year I've taken groups of students to Simpson Men's Shelter to serve dinner. Getting the food has been a dilemma each and every time. The majority of the last year we were able to get the food from Hamline's food service, but we had to pay an arm and a leg for it. I heard about Campus Kitchen last year and thought that it would be awesome for Hamline to have one (if you don't know what it is check out the website). So, I contacted the campus kitchen at Augsburg to see if it would be possible to get the food from them and we're going to get it for free! (Well if we have a few people go and volunteer - which is not a problem at all!). So now that we have food to serve at Simpson we also have an insider's look at a running campus kitchen and I have a meeting with the dean of students to start the ball rolling on a campus kitchen here at Hamline!!!!!!!! It is sooooooo exciting!
15 years ago
1 comment:
Hey get your sister and frieds at Augsburg to volunteer.
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