This holiday that comes around once a year is one for which I am always at a loss of words. I feel that the holiday should be used to show your thankfulness to people who matter in your life. I know this is something I should do much more frequently than I do currently, but I wanted to take this special opportunity to thank my friends and family.
There have been many experiences that I've had in my life that have shaped the person who I am today. Most of these experiences I have had thanks to my family and friends.
The first of those experiences I'll explain was my trip to Kenya. When I was in 8th grade my parents took my sister and I to Kenya. During this trip my entire view on the world changed. I left the U.S. looking at the world as it concerned me and started the trip with this very me vs. them mentality. I left Kenya and returned to the states looking at the world as one in which my role was to show others what a connected world we live in. That was quite the task to explain to my peers.
The next I think is the relationship I have with Leah. She has been my friend since the first day of 7th grade when she approached me on the way from English to Science (we debate if it was this way or vise versa). Anyway, she approached me and said in a terribly high pitched and excited beyond all reason voice, "HI, MY NAME IS LEAH!!! WANT TO BE MY FRIEND!!!" It wasn't that blatant but it really is quite entertaining when I look back on it. Anyway Leah has been one of those people that are there for me for EVERYTHING! Together we've been through loss of relatives, mild to clinical depression, loss of pets, as well as some of the happiest times in my memory. I love you Leah! Thank you!
I suppose another person who battles with Leah for that number one spot in my heart is my sister. She is and always has been there for me regardless of whatever it is I'm going through. I love her more than I could ever explain. She is three years younger than me, but I'm constantly learning from her. She is usually the first one I call when I get either good or bad news. She is one of the most energetic people I know and I feed off of that energy she has. I am really proud of my sister and love her so much! Thanks Scramps!
Katie would be another one I feel very thankful for. Katie and I met in 3rd grade and she always challenges me in every aspect of my life and the person I'm becoming. We don't talk as much now as we used to but every time we do it is just like going back to the beginning. I have learned so many things from Katie and truly am thankful for the relationship. I love you Katie! Thank you!
These are just a few of the people that I feel I owe thanks to on this holiday. Hopefully I will remember to thank them as well as the numerous other people who have helped to create who I am today.
To everyone whom I've left out of this list and will thank personally later thank you!
And to everyone - HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
15 years ago